Saturday, September 10, 2016

In Remembrance of 9/11

In Remembrance of 9/11

Written by Phillip Elton Collins

What mysterious opiate origin lies deep within humanity’s ancestral rage?

From whence its ancient source that can kill and conquer, we ask?

It lives deep within us all. And yet it can frighten us when it reveals its cruel countenance in duality and confrontation.

What is the cause, knowing its effect, of this monstrous force, we ask?

The moment is upon us to understand, release, and heal this ugly anger from our being that has kept us imprisoned so long…

Dear Souls, this ragged rage comes from our so many Golden Ages, loss. Loss due our ‘mighty minds’ that thought they could control creation, replace it, be it.

A fierce force came upon us that could not, would not accept and trust our divinity, and connection to creation; whence once we could.

As humanity went its own way, deep within we knew we had lost something most precious. We became enraged at self for being so selfish, so foolish.

This self-rage has reflected out, and created the much madness in our world for millennium.

Throughout the eons we have carried this self-sabotaging sense, and inflicted it upon self, each other, and our unconditionally loving home, Mother Earth.

Dear Souls, the time has come to accept with compassion, thus forgive how we have chosen to learn through our freedom of will and choice.

It is time to re-connect with Creation. To know we are a divine aspect of it.

We have travelled as far from the truth as possible. Let us now turn around and head home…

When now, at last again we consciously connect with creation, our rage shall ramble away like an angry child replaced by cosmic love, as adults.

For only through our connection to creation can we embrace our final Golden Age in service to ALL THERE IS.

Are we ready to release our furious face, and create a world knowing we are god experiencing self? An equal, balanced world without the angry ‘me’, replaced by the loving ‘we’…

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